About Us


A Christian Worship and Teaching Center

We are a Spirit Filled Church Uplifting the Name of Jesus!

Pastor Richie Lambert died in a major car wreck in 1985.  After a coma, surgeries, and many kinds of therapies, as well as time spend running from the call… God has been good to the Captain!  He graduated with two degrees and two minors in 2001, and is the Senior Pastor and Music Director of My Father's House..

Our History

The History and Beginnings of The Solid Rock Church now MY FATHER'S HOUSE - Ann Marie Lambert

It was good Friday, March 1991, was the day we purchase this small country church located west of Dover, Delaware on a back road, in the boonies, for our backside of the desert experience.  The only thing out there were Amish people and farmland, and very little houses.


I said to my husband, “Did we make a mistake?” “Did we really hear the voice of God to purchase the small church that was built in 1952”?


This would be our third church planting. Our first church was The Remnant, and it was located in the busy city of Wilmington, Delaware.  It had about 350 members. Our second church, The Bread of Life, was located in the center of Dover Delaware, and it had about 75 members. My husband and I love the smaller churches, as we got to know the people and the families better, and fellowshiping with them in Jesus was so sweet.


I honestly didn't like this new adventure and I felt like Sarah must've felt when she left her homeland to go to the place God told them to go with her husband Abraham.


However, the Lord spoke to me these words, “I know you feel like death leaving your old friends and old churches, but I bringing you to life in victory because I have chosen this place for you”.


We would have our first service at The Solid Rock Church that Easter Sunday. The church was full.


My husband, Richard Lambert Sr., pastored the church until he went home with Jesus in December 2013. He also functioned as a Prophet to the body of Christ, that took him to many churches in many places around the world.


Around 2008, Richard Lambert, Jr. And his wife Lisa were set in as pastors to the solid rock Church, where they are doing a great work ministering to homeless and feeding the hungry, sharing the Word of God and counseling.


That small Church building has been through a lot of change, a new kitchen has been built as well as Sunday school classes, a brand-new sanctuary was added that can hold approximately 200 people.


We love to worship Jesus in song and dance. We are a Spirit-filled church led by the Holy Spirit. We believe the fellowshiping with the Saints, and equipping believers to be spiritual leaders. We are a multicultural church of different races and different ages. Our extended vision is to continue to reach out to the community to feed the poor and homeless. To use networking such as television, radio, and social media, to share the good news of the gospel of grace.